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通用名称:   品 牌: 华誉 
产品型号: 华誉  设备功率:  
产品价格: 100000.00元/台  产 地: 山东 滨州市
生产能力: 1 台 供货总量: 1 台
规 格: 定做 
发布时间: 2020-08-27 有 效 期: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-04-19 浏览次数: 850
询价     联系方式
The utility model is characterized in that the belt is driven by a plurality of layers of the gear, and the mesh belt is buckled and connected with the rail friction bar through the sliding block. The friction coefficient of the polymer and the polymer material is small, and the utility model has good lubricity and is not easy to produce dirt. Mainly, omitting the middle turn from the cage, cage and network with static friction between the drive components leads to severe wear; on the other hand, the mesh belt buckle with the special structure of the slider, it  completely solved  e problem due to belt turning, downtime and maintenance  problem.</a>
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